Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What Kind of Dog is That?

This picture was in a post from the Animal Farm Foundation. The puppies and their full-bred parents were the idea for this topic and post.  


These dogs were part of a study from from 1965. The conversation about visual breed identification started then.

The dad is a purebred Basenji and the mom a purebred Cocker Spaniel

A dog has about 20,000 genes.  Variations in only about 50 genes determine the physical look of the dog.  That's .25%. On a 100-yard football field, that is less than 1 foot, only 9 inches.  The Animal Farm Foundation created this fabulous graphic about the genetic uniqueness of every dog.

Infographic: All Dogs are Individuals
by Animal Farm Foundation

Click to see the full image

This topic was my subject for the Talking Animals Radio Show on 19 October 2016. My guest was Kristen Auerbach, Deputy Chief Animal Services Officer of Austin Animal Center. You can search for the broadcast date, 2016-10-19, and listen by clicking here.

Over time, I have invited people to send me pictures of their dog and the Wisdom Panel report from the DNA test. Below, you will see some dogs and their report, and others, just the dog. For those, what kind of dog do you think it is? We want to hear your guesses in the comments below!   



Meet Toffee

Toffee is 1/4 Australian Shepard, 1/4 Chinook, 1/4 Beagle and 1/4 mixed (which must be where the ears came from!)



Meet Hattie

What kind of dog is Hattie?  Make your guesses in the comments.



Meet Micki



Meet Niko

What kind of dog is Niko?  Make your guesses in the comments.



Meet Ella Blue and Roxy

What kind of dog is Roxy? Make your guesses in the comments.

What kind of dog is Ella Blue?  Make your guesses in the comments.



Meet Paddington

Paddington is quite the mix. The report identified five breeds!  What do you think they are? Make your guesses in the comments. 


  1. Hattie -catahoula Leopard dog, German Shepard and some terrier mixture

  2. Good guesses! None of those breeds were identified in Hattie though.

  3. Hattie... Laborador retriever, Dalmatian, Border collie

  4. Hattie... Laborador retriever, Dalmatian, Border collie

  5. Roxy... German shepherd, Laborador retriever

  6. Paddington... Laborador retriever, mastiff, Chinese shar-pei, golden retriever, Shiba inu
